I am a Go-getter.
Hi Friends!!
This is Arun Here! Thanks for Stopping By!
It’s been close to a year since I have entered the blogging sphere, helping blogging enthusiasts in creating a successful online business for themselves.
How It All Started
I am still able to recall it’s been 4 years back when I was lazing around on a Sunday a colleague of mine called me to attend a demo class for a digital marketing course, though initially I was a bit reluctant for attending and was in no mood to lose my Sunday as I had waited all these six days either to watch a high octane English Action movie or reading a thriller book but was forced to come as I was lured for a lunch buffet after the class.
It was a 1hr straight session without any break, outlining the important factors and future of digital marketing across the globe.
Mostly it was one-way traffic and not an in-depth session without focussing on any specific topic but I was all ears to the presentation trying to make the most of it listening all as I had already lost my Sunday.
So the session struck me and kind of boost up my buried passion for digital marketing which was simmering within me for a long time.
Though I was very passionate about digital marketing and had been following the current trends of it passively, it was only after the session that I decided to take an active plunge into it and work constructively on it.
Where I Am Coming From
I have more than 10+ years of working experience in Banking and Financial Services and am associated with top banks and financial institutions working closely with 40+ products that the BFSI industry offers.
It’s always a maddening rush when you are chasing all these products in a competitive market.
But you have got to stick it out.
I have always been successful in implementing some key strategies for standing out in the crowd or managed to be in the top 3 slots.
After spending all these years in the corporate sector I was feeling kind of lost in a maze and thought i was missing out on some true callings in life.
I had taken a pause and decided to chase my dream by switching from the corporate ladder and climbing up the blogging ladders.
Well, that’s how it’s all began.
The Road Ahead
“The road to your success is not a highway. You have to create it as you go”
― Bangambiki Habyarimana
Thus as we sail through we are going to unlock some of these unique tactics, key strategies which are going to help you to kick start your blogging journey and successfully establishing it.
I am going to share all my experiences, covering all the aspects of blogging be it driving traffic, writing quality content, or generating a fixed income from blogging ensuring your growth in a stipulated timeframe.
we will learn and implement as we discover ourselves and move forward.
To me, the road ahead is always a success.
Reach out to me
Stay Safe.
Godspeed !!