Table of Contents
What Is A Blog?
I was also baffled like you, what is a blog, How to start a blog, and where to start?
Finally gathered some courage to kick startup with my blog.
A blog is the part of the website holding the content with information about specific topics, Subtopics, or varied niches and providing useful information to its readers and audiences.
Ideally, the blog post is arranged in reverse chronological order or sequentially with the newest blog post appearing first.
A blog can include Text, pictures, animated GIFs as well video materials as per the requirement.
Blogs have come a long way from the early stages being the personal memoir of an individual into becoming a faster mode of online communication, with more and more individuals becoming passionate about blogging and sharing their expertise be it in the field of Health, Wealth, Lifestyle, Travel, Technology, Food or Fashion.
Blogs have become increasingly popular and competitive with a demand for certain uniqueness in deliverance for standing out in the crowd.
With the online footprint for all corporate and large organization blogs has become the new form of business platform for product offerings, customer support, and regular updates.
Origin Of The Blog
Let’s rewind a bit…
The journey of the modern blog has evolved faster in a short time span, way back when it has started in 1994 by Justin Hall as his personal blogs as a student in Swarthmore college.
In 1997 American Blogger John Barger introduced the term weblog as the process of logging while surfing the internet.
However, the short form “Blog” came into existence in 1999 originated by developer Peter Merholz becoming catchier and popular.
What Is Blogging?
Blogging is an online platform to express and share your unique thoughts in the form of writing and providing relevant information to a larger audience on the internet who are searching for it.
You can publish your articles either on a website or on a blogging platform.
What is the purpose of a Blog?
There’s plenty of reasons to start a blog, be it a hobby, sharing your experiences with the audiences for their betterment, improving your writing and speaking skills, creating a brand for yourself, and monetizing your blog for an additional income.
7 Inspired Reasons To Start Your Blog
You have plenty of reasons to start your blog, be it a hobby or being expertise in content writing, or earning money
we are going to identify 7 reasons that motivate us to start our own blog.
Blogging As a Hobby
You must have come across a lot of people who keep a note of their personal and professional experiences either scribble it in a diary or a journal and save it in word format as a hobby.
There is always a high probability of losing it in due course of time for a no of reasons.
Blogging helps in organizing your thoughts as an online journal in the form of a blog.
Though the blog is being set up out of personal enjoyment without any pressure or worrying about traffic, slowly as you go on with your blogging journey you will feel the responsibility of presenting it in a better-organized way when it started catching up the attention of small size of audiences in the beginning.
you would be clueless when people would start finding your content as useful and shared across platforms and the no of visitors increases in your blog.
You can also monetize your hobby blogging site with your consistent efforts, as you get along with your audiences by creating values and helping them.
Every blog has the potential to earn revenue after a certain time frame either is it a hobby blogging or professional blogging.
There are a wide variety of topics that can be pursued as a hobby blog depending on an individual, be it Travelling, Music, Photography, or Sharing your knowledge by Teaching Online.
You will find the confessions of many successful bloggers for whom blogging as a hobby was a life-changer for them.

You will Improve As A Writer
I am sure many a time you would be sitting on a blank face, losing long hours with a thought what to write and how to start writing.
So do i.
The simple solution is to start writing.
Ideas and concepts keep coming to us as and when either you are sitting quietly in a park or taking a shower, playing football, or driving with the slow rock music of MLTR.
whatever thoughts come to your mind you have to grab it and jot it down for future blogging references.
Never shoulder the burden of better writing for blogging.
As you start writing more from the audience’s Perspective it becomes natural and flawless for you.
your blog writing becomes a stepping stone for you to publish a book, novel, or becoming an author.
It also transforms you into a better speaker in communicating your thoughts effortlessly in the presence of a large audience.
You, Will, Create a Network And a Brand For Yourself
Neither the network nor the brand is created overnight.
It takes years together of sheer hard work and consistent efforts to build a brand.
You will create a network for yourself as you write and connect with your audiences with valuable content which they found helpful through your blogs.
people start visiting your blog and communicating with you either in the form of comments, sharing your post, or sending emails to you, which has to be answered by you.
Slowly it translates into building the trust of a dedicated audience and creating brand loyalty for you.
You will be surprised to find the speed at which you will connect with your audience and ultimately creating a network and a Brand for yourself.
You Will Be An Expert
The expert in anything was once a beginner – Helen Hayes
No one has started off as an expert neither I.
You will transform yourself from a beginner to an expert in no time as you engage yourself passionately in helping your audience with valuable content or sharing good things which you have found useful.
People will look up to you as an expert as you become more honest and respectful towards your audience and genuinely guiding them in their specific domain be it blogging, traveling, or cooking.
As you update yourself within your industry on consistent basics so does your audience with you.
You may not be the best blogger in the world, but definitely better than someone who is inspired in learning from you hence becoming an expert for them by teaching them with blogging.
You Will Lead An Inspired Life
With the passing of days, you will evolve as a better person as you write more and assemble your thoughts to inspire others and express yourself.
Blogging will help you to lead a disciplined life as you will be habituated to make the best of your days both in managing time and connecting with your audiences as well as offering something new and unique.
You will become more confident as you guide and mentor others and adding certain values to their life.
You Are Independent And Productive
You are your own Boss.
Blogging helps you plan, work and execute it at your own pace with all your creative freedom without anyone’s inference.
when you work independently, you are more focused on the outcomes more likely to be productive in many ways either connecting with your clients or finding new customers.
You will become a fast learner as you grow with your blog to keep yourself updated with the new skill sets or the latest tools.
Imagine yourself hopping from mountain to beaches and still working…
It doesn’t get any better than this as you can work from anywhere without any location constraint as long as you are up and traveling with your laptop, which is your workstation from anywhere.
As you move ahead with passion in your blogging journey, you will come across many like-minded people like yours, who share a common platform of sharing new thoughts and learning new ideas.

You Can Make Money
Blogging has evolved in recent years right from a hobby to a rewarding online profession and provides you with various opportunities to earn just like any other profession.
It entirely depends on you, How much you want to earn from blogging?
Since you are the captain of your ship, you would be knowing, to what height you are destined to scale your blog?
There is every reason in blogging that you can exceed your income from your last income or even increase it by3X,5X, or 10X ensuring all the required factors like your hard work, dedication, consistent deliverance, quick adaption, and implementation are in place.
Making money in blogging will not happen overnight or that quick, to make your blog success you have to be determined with patience.
Moreover, money should not be the prime focus while starting a blog, rather the purpose should add value in helping and fulfilling your audience’s requirements in return the income follows you.
You can start blogging for an additional source of income while still in your full-time job, and finally call it a day once you built confidence around your blogging journey and start generating consistent revenues from your blog and surpassing your monthly fixed income.
you can also hire more people or take the help of freelancers to get your job done once your blog grows.
There are plenty of opportunities, of how to make money in blogging both from direct and indirect sources.
What To Write About The First Blog?
your first blog is the stepping stone of your blogging journey.
Not necessarily the blog post has to be outstanding or profitable from day one.
Irrespective of the topic you are passionate about, be it travel, technology music or digital marketing keep your first blog simple and effortless.
Ensure some value is being delivered to your first set of visitors, who go back with some key takeaways after reading your first blog and look forward to coming back again.
Engaged them in such a way that they were pleased enough to promote your blog to their near and dear ones. which they have stumbled across.
Stay connected with your audience after publishing your first blog post, listen out to their views, keep them posted about your next blog.
How Frequently I Should Blog?
The more consistent your blog, the more engaged are your audience.
You should get into the habit of publishing one blog post weekly in the initial days and subsequently increase it into two to three blogs depending on the growth of your blog.
Even there are experienced bloggers who blog every day.
Difference Between a Blog and a Website?
A blog is also a website that is being updated from time to time depending on the thoughts and ongoing experiences of an individual or professional requirement of an organization.
For example, a traveler keeps updating the website about his traveling blogs from time to time depending on the destinations he travels.
Similarly, a fitness blog also keeps updating the website with new blogs for keeping its audiences updated and staying fit.
A website is more fixed in nature and is not updated frequently, it has a blog section but not necessarily the key element of the website.
Larger business houses have their online presence by registering a website with a prime focus to update their customers regarding their organizations.
They have also a Blog page on their website for updating their products and services which is updated as and when there are any changes in their line of business.
You can design the website depending on your requirement of treating it as a blog with regular updates of content for your audience or if you are keen to create an online platform to promote your product or service then you should opt for a website where the blog is not the prime purpose.
E-commerce platforms are exclusive websites dealing more with products and services with a limited focus on blog posts.
Final words
Blogging Goals
So What are your blogging goals?
Set your blogging goals, as it helps to move in the right direction.
Once a goal is set the very thought of it to achieve it, will be in your mind, and keep reminding you frequently.
Accept the reminder in the positive stride without being burdened
as every blog is going to be a success sooner or later.
As you sail through you will find there are goals that are directly within your control and some indirectly.
Example posting no of blog posts or social media posts are in your control whereas no of visitors and social media followers are not within your control.
However, once you work skillfully on the things which are in your control will have a positive result on your indirect goals.
Have a long-term clear-cut blogging goal say for about 3-5 years and slice it down to time-bound tiny targets.
Jot down your blogging tasks to be achieved on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.
Goals can be as small as writing a blog post every week or building up an Email list or marking your presence across all social media sites or answering your blog comments.
Have a review of your blog every 6 months or 1 year and measure your blog’s achievement in all aspects to evaluate the blog’s goals have been achieved be it small or big.
Keep adding value to your blogs without being much worried about traffic in the initial days.
Once you create values for your audiences, the traffic follows you.
With the passing of each year raise the bar of your blog be it higher penetration into traffic and readership or setting a target of your earning by monetizing your blog.
Having a blogging Goal helps to stay focused in achieving the very purpose of the blog.
So here we are, reached the Final words.
Hope this article helps you in understanding the initial journey of blogging like,
what is a blog?
And helps in identifying your true calling out of the 7 inspired reasons to start a blog.
You can become your own boss, convert your blog into a business blog, and over a time period can replace the income of your full-time job and much more.
we have just taken a baby step towards climbing the ladder.
You have any questions or thoughts? Keep me posted, looking forward to hearing from you.
What’s Next? Stay Tuned.. for something very interesting.
Stay Safe.
Worth a reading. Highly recommended for all the enthusiast bloggers who look forward to blogging a little more than their passion, and a complete beginners guide.
Thanks for all the info in one post.
Thanks Ansuman!
Happy to find the article was of help to you.